Divorce is a reality for some married couples in Texas. While divorcing can be complicated, this situation can become more challenging when married couples divorce with children in the picture. Understandably, most parents want to remain a part of their child’s life after this legal process. One way this can happen is through parallel parenting.
What is parallel parenting?
A typical parallel parenting plan suits formerly married couples who don’t get along well. You may also hear this situation referred to as a high-conflict divorce. Unlike co-parenting, which relies on parents staying in close contact, parallel parenting serves those who prefer not to speak to each other.
Setting up a parallel parenting plan
A plan should be in place before you and your child’s other parent begin parallel parenting. This plan handles important child custody matters while minimizing contact between a child’s parents.
Setting a schedule is one of the most important parts of a parallel parenting plan. This schedule should create a plan letting both parents spend time with their child. It’s also vital for this plan to cover holiday-related plans and other special occasions. Most plans also cover handling delays and cancellations from one or both parents.
Is parallel parenting beneficial?
Parallel parenting can benefit children and parents in the right situation. Being parallel parents can help ensure children spend equal time with each parent without feeling in the middle of unwanted conflicts. Due to most parallel parenting plans being so detailed, they also help ensure parents avoid any confusion or uncertainties.
If a child’s parents trust each other enough to handle day-to-day concerns for their children, parallel parenting can be a great way for two adults to raise their child post-divorce.